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11834 Kemper Road, Auburn, CA 95603 • 916-660-9200

Resources and Downloads for the PourAway Family of Products
Why Would You Implement PourAwayEnvironmental Awareness Providing a path and education to the public, you create potential for a change in thinking as it relates to individuals recycling habits. Liquid separation from trash Haulers transporting less weight use less fuel, reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Less liquid in landfills reduces greenhouse gasses. Compliance with California law AB1826, the mandatory separation of organics from trash. Assists your organizations migrating to zero waste. Reduces liquid leaks, and stains. Keeps business neighbors happy when a shared dumpster is used. Risk and Liability reduction Reducing weight and liquid from trash prevents the primary cause of worker’s compensation and general liability claims in the US; back injuries and slip and fall. Customers are less likely to slip on floors when they’re dry. An immediate financial savings and increase of profit Reducing liquid weight in an onsite compactor saves money by lowering the tipping fee at the landfill scale. Also by lowering compactor weight more solid trash can be compacted, reducing the need for frequent trips to the landfill. In short, reduced weight equates to reduced Roll-off charges. Less liquid leaking into the bottom of trash cans saves labor costs by reducing cleaning time Reducing liquid stains require less carpet cleaning and less power washing trash areas.
PourAway helps Going Green and Why Liquid Organics Diversion Matters Fact SheetTests show that 18% of liquids sold at movie theatres, entertainment events, cafes, restaurants, and food court environments wind up in the trash. Removing liquids from landfills reduces greenhouse gases. Less liquid in trash reduces water vapor, CO2, nitrogen dioxide, and ozone, all of which contribute to the "greenhouse" effect. Reduce contamination of recyclables. Water Positive! Water returned to the local water table by disposing of down the drain will keep liquid and out of landfills. Lower waste hauling costs by removing liquid weight customers have experienced on average 18% reduction in waste removal costs. Fewer Trips for the haulers reduce emissions. Less weight in roll-offs mean fewer trip costs. Reduce the cost of extra bin bags, floor cleaning and power washing. Custodial safety as well as reduce custodial burn out Reallocate labor to higher value tasks NIOSH Lifting index- Reducing liquid waste from trash prevents a >40% risk reduction the primary cause of worker's compensation from back injuries and slip and fall. Senate bill 1383- California, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Vermont organic liquid is considered organic waste and must be removed from waste stream. Our products play a critical role when complying with California Assembly Bill "AB 1826", the mandatory separations of organics from trash. Proprietary BioActive MICROBIAL Enzyme cleaning products that eat organic build up that are environmentally friendly. Made in the USA PourAway has been in business 8 years. Small Family owned and operated business. Corporate Headquarters and Warehousing in Auburn, California. Save the planet and your bottom line. PourAway is the number one manufacturer of liquid diversion products in the USA.
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